For most of us, herbs and spices are kept in the kitchen with the sole purpose of being used to change and improve the taste of food, but they have the power to do a lot more than that, which is why they’ve been used for medicinal purposes throughout all of history.
Ancient civilizations used all kinds of plants and plant products in their medicinal practices. From herbs like thyme and sage to spices like coriander and cinnamon, these natural ingredients have been used in a variety of salves, ointments, and other mixtures for thousands of years.
Fast forward to today and a quick glance at any supplement label will show you that many of these herbs and spices are still widely used in the world of health and wellness. Why? Because they come with a variety of health benefits, including supporting reproductive, digestive, and circulatory health. What’s more? You already have an arsenal of these in your kitchen, and many of the herbs and spices found in your cabinets also offer the benefit of supporting a particular system in your body–a healthy brain!
So if you want to make sure your mind stays sharp and your memories stay clear, then it may be worth including these brain-supporting herbs and spices in your meals.
Commonly used in Asian and Middle East countries for dishes like curry and rice, turmeric is rich in curcumin which is a brain-supporting compound. Curcumin is known to have powerful antioxidant properties, which can help protect your brain cells from being damaged. On top of that, research has found that curcumin can also help boost both your mood and memory.
Serving ideas:
Enjoy turmeric in a curry dish, add it to an avocado spread, or mix it into a pancake mix.
Parsley is rich in a compound known as apigenin, which is a polyphenol that has been found to help your neurons communicate with each other. Another benefit of apigenin is that it promotes sleep, which is also important for keeping your brain healthy.
Parsley also contains a flavonoid called myricetin, which boosts cognitive function. What’s more? Vitamins A, C, and K, which all have antioxidant properties, can also be found in parsley. This single herb really has a lot to offer.
Serving ideas:
Toss some parsley into a salad, add it to green juice, or mix it into a sauce.
Black Pepper
Black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices to add to a dish, so much so that many of us even have a pepper shaker on our dining room table. But did you know that this simple spice also has many benefits for your brain? It’s true, thanks to a compound known as piperine. Not only is piperine responsible for the bite that pepper has, but it also contains antioxidants to help protect all your cells, including your brain cells, from damage. Research has also noted that piperine can help improve both memory and cognitive function.
Serving ideas:
Use black pepper as part of a rub for fish and poultry, add it to your salad dressings, or use it to season soups and stews.
This is yet another favorite in millions of kitchens, and it is one of the spices that can support a healthy brain. One study showed that cinnamon can help to limit cognitive impairment and also helps to reverse damage caused by oxidative stress. Cinnamon also has other health benefits like boosting alertness, enhancing memory, and improving cognitive processing.
Serving ideas:
Sprinkle some cinnamon on your toast, add it to your coffee, or mix it into baked goods.
This is another herb that contains an abundance of polyphenols that support brain health over time. Plus, like parsley, rosemary also contains apigenin. In ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary was often thought to strengthen memory. Today, research has shown us that consuming rosemary does in fact support memory, and its essential oil form has also been found to help boost cognitive function.
Serving ideas:
Mix some rosemary with olive oil and lemon juice to flavor cooked vegetables, cook it on top of chicken or fish, or use it to make a warm rosemary tea.
As with many other items on this list, ginger contains a high level of antioxidants that combat the effects of oxidative stress, which can accelerate the aging process. Studies indicate that consuming ginger can not only help protect your brain function from declining with age, but it can also help improve both your memory and reaction time.
Serving ideas:
Add ginger to smoothies or salad dressings, mix it into baked goods, or include it in a stir-fry.
By weight, saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, and for good reason. For starters, saffron helps promote sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and get deeper, better quality rest. It is also rich in antioxidants, can help improve your mood, boost cognitive function, and protect against age-related cognitive decline.
Serving ideas:
Add saffron to savory rice dishes, mix it with some beans, or make it into tea.
Sage, also known as salvia, is an herb that has been used for centuries in Europe for its health benefits. Like many others on this list, sage is loaded with antioxidants. This popular herb has also been found to slow the breakdown of a compound known as acetylcholine (ACH) which is a chemical messenger that plays a role in memory. Research has also found that daily doses of sage can also help boost memory, improve mood, enhance alertness, and increase feelings of calmness.
Serving ideas:
Add some sage to your favorite whole-grain pasta dishes or use it to flavor cooked vegetables.
Add Some Spice To Your Life
A healthy brain is one of the most important parts of a healthy life, and including a variety of herbs and spices in your diet is an easy way to give your brain the support it needs. That’s why we consider cooking with herbs and spices an essential part of living the #NewEarthLife, and we invite you to join us by adding some more spice (and herbs) to your life.