Your body is a treasure; treat it like one
The old saying holds true, “We only have one body so we better take care of it.” If you are what we call health conscious, then you likely are proactive about taking care of your one and only body. You eat all the right foods, work out when you can, get enough sleep and are conscious about mindful living. All great habits that add up to what most would consider a healthy life.
When it comes to great health, it's intuitive to think about what you are putting in your body. However, the external often gets overlooked. We are talking about the skin, our largest organ and most outer layer of protection. Just as you are conscious about what you put in your body, you should be conscious about what you put on your body. Remember, everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into your precious body. This includes everything from makeup to your skin care routine.
There is one product that is most common when it comes to skin care, it’s used daily by many and typically covers the whole body. Lotion. When it comes to feeding and nurturing our skin, what should we be looking for? Quality ingredients.
That’s right, just as you read the labels on your food you should read the labels on your lotion. The ideal lotion should be filled with real, whole ingredients that you recognize. Here are a few of our favorites:
Aloe Vera: We’ve all heard the powerful testimonies of Aloe vera. People have been using this popular medicinal plant for thousands of years. Aloe vera is a thick, short-stemmed succulent that stores water in its leaves. Its jelly interior contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. With so much water and nutrients, this product is ideal in helping the skin retain and absorb moisture.
Coconut Oil: Famous for oil pulling, cooking and many other uses, coconut oil consists of natural fatty acids that help keep skin looking healthier, supple, and younger-looking.
Jojoba Oil: It’s the liquid that comes from the seed of the jojoba plant. Although called an oil, it’s actually a liquid plant wax and has been used in folk medicine for years. Jojoba oil is also non-comedogenic. Although it’s an oil — and we usually think that oil that sits on our skin causing breakouts — jojoba oil works as a protectant and cleanser.
Rose: Roses are both beautiful and beneficial. They work to moisturize, brighten and protect skin from transepidermal water loss and airborne pollutants. The sugars and natural oils found in rose petals trap moisture in your skin, making your skin look smoother and softer. They also offer antiseptic properties that can help restore your skin’s pH levels.
Witch Hazel: The most popular use for witch hazel is for skincare, since its strong antioxidant and astringent properties are perfect for the skin’s pores. It’s often found in skin cleansers and products because it protects and moisturizes the skin.
Organic Wild Microalgae
™: Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, Wild Microalgae offers a plethora of benefits to your skin. While the antioxidants help protect your skin from harmful free radicals, the nutrients get absorbed, meaning your skin is left feeling great and looking amazing.
Rosemary: Rosemary’s primary reputation in skincare and cosmetics is its ability to balance natural oils. It can help refresh oily skin and hair without causing excess dryness. If you have oily skin or clogged pores, this is the herb to look for, it cleans out dirt and other impurities that can clog pores. In addition, Rosemary is rich in antioxidants and has rejuvenating properties.
- Neem: The fatty acids and vitamin E found in neem oil are easily absorbed into the skin without leaving the skin greasy. Once absorbed, these powerful properties work to rejuvenate the skin’s cells and restore elasticity.
At New Earth, we have studied the subject. We know and understand how these ingredients work together to nourish and soothe skin which is why we packaged all of them in one convenient bottle of Nutrabeautiful. Filled with antioxidants and vitamins, Nutrabeautiful is lightweight, fast-absorbing and hydrating. It promotes soft and supple skin, and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Fine lines, wrinkles and anti aging…let’s talk about that real quick.
You can find anti-aging products almost anywhere and each one claims to harness the fountain of youth. Use this cream and that serum and watch your youthful glow appear while your wrinkles disappear…and as you try some, you actually see your fine lines and wrinkles go away. Do you know how that works? Let’s explore together…
One of the most common tricks in the skincare industry is the use of inflammation. As you rub that cream or serum on your wrinkles the ingredients cause an inflammatory reaction in your skin causing your skin to puff up. And, of course, if your skin is inflamed your wrinkles will go away.
Is that what we want for our skin? Will ingredients like that nourish the skin, promote healthy skin and keep it looking young long term? No, probably not.
When it comes to longevity, anti-aging and aging with grace, we need products that are filled with skin loving ingredients loaded with real antioxidants and properties that are going to nourish, cleanse, rejuvenate, balance, soothe and feed our skin.
Caring for our most outer layer of protection it’s part of what we call living the #NewEarthLife.
Go ahead nourish your skin with elasticity and vitality giving antioxidants and nutrients, hydrate your skin with moisture-locking, cleansing oils, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with the finest ingredients, and feed your skin with Earth’s First Foods…all risk free with a 60-day money-back guarantee with Nutrabeautiful.