There are fewer things on this planet as uncomfortable as indigestion. You enjoyed a meal you longed for only for your stomach to turn against you. And now you have to put up with all sorts of nastiness from heartburn to tummy aches.
More often than not, this happens as a result of digestive enzyme issues. Many of the foods we consume today are over-processed which is tough on the digestive system and causes issues when it comes to breaking down fats, carbs, and proteins. We rely on our body’s supply of digestive enzymes to adequately break food down so nutrients can be utilized. When this doesn’t happen side effects like indigestion and discomfort can occur.
This is where digestive enzyme supplements and enzyme-rich foods come to the rescue.
Before we get into their sources, let’s explore what digestive enzymes are and what they have to offer.
Different Types of Enzymes
By definition, digestive enzymes are protein molecules that break down foods like proteins, carbs, and fats into smaller particles. These particles are then absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract for sustenance.
There are a variety of digestive enzymes working within our bodies. To make life easier, we’ve grouped them based on the food component they break down.
Enzymes That Break Down Proteins
Protein includes everything from meat and dairy to eggs and plant proteins. They are made up of amino acids which is the basic form they are broken down to by enzymes like peptidase and pepsin.
Enzymes That Break Down Carbs
Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates start in the mouth with enzymes like amylase. This process continues down the digestive tract with enzymes like maltase taking over. From there as the food enters the small intestine we find the enzyme lactase that breaks down lactose in milk.
Enzymes That Break Down Fats
When it comes to breaking down fat our bodies rely on lipase. This enzyme is produced in the pancreas, mouth, and stomach and works with stomach bile to break down fats.
Why supplement when we make our own?
A variety of factors influence the body’s enzyme health, production, and storage including your body temperature, a variety of health conditions, the PH level of the stomach and intestines, the foods you consume, and medications (to name just a few).
With that, digestive enzymes supplements are commonly consumed to support the body’s natural production. They fill gaps helping to ensure crucial nutrients are absorbed and utilized by the body.
So how can you boost your levels of digestive enzymes? Here are a few external sources you could start with.
External Sources of Digestive Enzymes
Supplements. Supplements are one of the easiest ways to ensure your body has the enzymes required to break down your meals. And, It can be as simple as taking a capsule with your meal. If this sounds like the route for you, we suggest New Earth’s Enzymes. Each capsule contains a delicate blend of fifteen different natural, plant-based food enzymes, micro blended with Organic Wild Microalgae® to supply the enzymes with specific vitamins, minerals, and other cofactors, to help the body break down and assimilate a complete range of nutrients from your food.
Pineapples. Pineapples contain a special compound known as Bromelain. This is a type of protease enzyme that primarily breaks down proteins. It is awesome for dealing with an upset tummy after overeating.
Papayas. Papayas are another fantastic source of bromelain which, as already mentioned, helps with breaking down proteins in the digestive system. In addition, papayas contain another enzyme called papain which also breaks down proteins.
Mangoes. Mangoes are rich in amylase which is one of the main digestive enzymes involved in breaking down carbohydrates. Mangoes are also rich in fiber which further contributes to optimal gut health.
Kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit contains a variety of enzymes with the most important being actinidin. This protease is actually used commercially in making meat tenderizers in which case it helps break down strong bonds within protein molecules to release individual amino acids.
Raw honey. Raw honey is easily one of the best sources of digestive enzymes in regards to variety. These include diastase, amylase, invertase, and protease just to name a few.
Kimchi. Kimchi and other fermented foods are excellent sources of both probiotics and digestive enzymes. The fermentation process boosts levels of good bacteria and in turn these good bacteria produce different digestive enzymes.
- Ginger. Ginger contains a protease known as zingibain which is also commonly referred to as ginger protease. As the name suggests, it helps break down ingested proteins. So if you are having indigestion issues, a cup of ginger-infused water might just be what you need for quick relief.
Digestive discomfort doesn't have to be a common factor in your life. As a matter of fact, we shouldn’t feel anything less than amazing after we fuel our bodies with food. And, with the help of digestive enzymes we can rest assured knowing that our food is being broken down and utilized by our bodies. The best part, this all can happen without the nasty side effects of indigestion, heartburn and bloating.