No doubt about it, winter is upon us! In full swing actually. Depending on your location, it might be snowing, sleeting, raining, or maybe just maybe…It’s sunny and 70. No matter the conditions, the undeniable fact is that it is DRY. The humid summers have hibernated and the parched winter winds are whipping.
The fact of the matter is, the environment around us shifts throughout the year, and, our bodies and mindset shift along with it. This shift is regular for us, but for some parts of the body, it can be hard to keep up, especially our skin!
The skin, it’s our outer layer of protection making it most susceptible to the changing elements. It’s no wonder winter is known to dry out the skin on our hands, bodies, and even more so the sensitive skin on our faces.
The good news, skin that is healthy and full of life does not have to go into a dull and dry hibernation though, there is hope through following simple tips and tricks that can make a huge difference this winter. Show your skin some love!
Drink Up
Drinking water is an essential part of our lives, but can often go forgotten during the business of our days. Along with many other health benefits, drinking water can help to keep your skin hydrated and feeling smooth. If you notice that your hands or lips are getting dry or peeling, it could be a major sign of dehydration. Hydrating your cells is the first step to healthy skin and overall wellness.
Keep It Humid
Invest in a humidifier to make your home or office an oasis. Keeping the air in your stomping grounds from becoming dry will help keep your skin hydrated.
Lower Doses of Exfoliating
Exfoliating is great for getting rid of dead skin on your face and body, but doing it too much can throw off your body’s natural process of skin cell replacement. Skin that is being exfoliated too much will only become drier faster, leaving you with flaky, red, and irritated skin.
Don’t Get Caught Up Singing in the Shower
Taking long hot showers can be relaxing and ease the stress of the day. However, taking too long of showers can have some negative effects. When showering, we take off dirt, sweat and clear our pores, but we also remove the skin’s natural, beneficial oils. Your skin naturally produces that oil to nourish your skin, and while it’s good to get the dirty oils off, you don’t want to completely strip your skin of all its natural oils. Anything you take off, replace with lotion to maximize hydration.
Choose Your Lotion Wisely
Just as you are conscious about the foods you put in your body, be aware of the products you put on your skin and go for organic and natural when you can. Think about it this way, everything you put on your skin enters your body. Be sure to avoid skincare products that are loaded with harsh chemicals and stick to products that are filled with skin-loving ingredients that are known and proven to nourish your ever-important outer layer of protection.
Look for ingredients like soothing aloe vera, moisturizing coconut oil, protecting jojoba oil, restoring rose, cleansing witch hazel, nourishing organic Wild Microalgae ™, balancing rosemary, and rejuvenating neem.
Better yet, get all of those ingredients in one convenient bottle of Nutrabeautiful™ by New Earth. Filled with antioxidants and vitamins, Nutrabeautiful is lightweight, fast-absorbing and hydrating. It promotes soft and supple skin, minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and is an excellent remedy for the elements that winter brings.
The Winter hits hard with the change in the elements, and for many, there are still months left of it. Don’t let the weather get the best of you! Give your body, and maybe another body around you (i.e your friends and family), the gift of hydration through these tips and tricks.
Caring for our most outer layer of protection it’s part of what we call living the #NewEarthLife.