August. It’s a month when we are still enjoying the heat and fun that summer has to offer, which makes it all too easy to succumb to the urge to partake in lazy afternoons and carefree evenings. However, those who are seeking to maintain a sense of productivity in their daily routine as we round out the latter half of this captivating season know that it is paramount that we find a way to strike a balance between relaxation and responsibility over the next few months.
Embracing the vibrant energy of summer while still staying focused on personal and professional pursuits can be challenging, but fear not! We have some practical tips that are sure to help.
1. Stick to a Routine
This can be easier said than done, but it is a great way to help keep you on track during the less-predictable summer months. Do your best to stick to your normal routines for at least one part of the day. Morning routines are often great for staying grounded during the summer because they help you start your day off on the right foot, so even if you need to have room in your schedule to go with the flow during the afternoon and evenings, do your best to keep your mornings looking roughly the same. That way, your brain knows what to expect and you can be in the right headspace to get more done as the day moves along.
2. Try Time Blocking
Whether you are working from home or spending the weekdays at the office, summer often brings things like upcoming vacations, leisure activities, and nice weather that can occupy your mind even when you are trying to focus on work. One tactic you can use to combat this is time blocking. In order to help you avoid distractions and work more efficiently, time blocking can be done by splitting your work day into smaller blocks of time, where each block is dedicated to a specific task. By assigning certain tasks to specific blocks of time, you are giving yourself a deadline to race against, which will decrease your chances of getting distracted and increase your productivity, leaving more time in the day for those summer activities you are looking forward to.
3. Optimize Your Workspace
The summer months are often associated with happiness, joy, bright color, and fun. Embrace these seasonal feelings and find ways to bring them into your workspace to help keep your mood lifted and your mind productive. Add some life to the space by placing a potted plant in the room, find a bright and fun desktop calendar to use, or add a photo of your family or pets to your desk to bring a little extra joy into the area. If your work setup allows, you can even turn on some upbeat summer music to listen to while you work.
4. Change the Scenery
If you have the freedom to do so, embrace the flexibility of summer and change the scenery by working somewhere that isn’t your office desk. Find a local diner, coffee shop, co-working space, or even just a table in another room to set up at for a few hours. The break from your usual working setup can kickstart a surge of inspiration and motivation that is sure to help you get more work done. Plus, it also comes with the added benefit of getting to enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee while you work.
5. Be Intentional About Having Fun
If you are working during the summer, you may feel some FOMO (fear of missing out) on occasion. That’s to be expected when your family and friends are out “living their best lives” while you are sitting in front of a computer most of the day. While your work is undoubtedly important, it’s also important that you set aside time to have some fun and enjoy this wonderful time of the year. Be intentional about blocking out time on your calendar for activities that you enjoy doing. Spend a day at the beach, an afternoon catching up with friends, and evening barbecuing with your family, or an hour or two catching up on your favorite TV shows over the weekend. That way, you will feel like you are still able to enjoy your summer, even if you still have to work most of the week.
6. Plan to Shorten the Work Week
If you have the power to do so, rearrange your work schedule so that your work week is a little shorter than normal. This can look however you want it to—you can stop working an hour or two earlier than normal each day, take the afternoon off on Fridays, or even take every Friday (or Monday) off during the summer months. That way, you are spending a little less time at your desk so you can soak up the sun and have some fun.
7. Work Outdoors as Much as Possible
This is a particularly great option if you are an entrepreneur or have the flexibility to work from home. Instead of sitting inside at your desk all day, take your laptop outside and set up a temporary space to work at for a while. If your job requires you to be in the office, think about what your work day looks like and see if you can find a task that can be done away from your desk. Can you take a call while you walk outside for a few minutes? Or maybe you can answer emails, type up notes from your recent meeting, or write a draft of your next blog post on your phone while sitting in a nice shady spot for a while? Whatever the case may be, if your workday offers any opportunity to be outdoors, jump on it. The sunshine and fresh air is sure to refresh your mind and give your productivity a little boost.
Enjoy Your Summer
Don’t let the summer heat get you down! Join us in living the #NewEarthLife by implementing these productivity tips now and making the most of the remaining season so you can make progress toward your goals like never before while still embracing all that these warm summer days have to offer.