Does the thought of algae bring to mind images of green scum on the top of a pond or at the bottom of a swimming pool? While that is a type of algae, there are many other variations, and some of them have many benefits when it comes to your overall health and wellness. Don't worry, we aren’t talking about eating algae that was scooped from a swimming pool. We’re talking about types of algae that are edible and often referred to as superfood microalgae. These are the single-cell, microscopic types of algae that have dense nutritional profiles, making them great for your health. Still not convinced? Let’s explore what exactly microalgae is and how your health can benefit from eating it.
Breaking Down Microalgae
Algae is a broad term that encompasses both unicellular organisms (red algae or blue-green algae) and multicellular ones (seaweed or kelp) that are highly photosynthetic, meaning that they grow in the presence of sunlight. There are thousands of known species of algae that exist in our world, but only a small percentage of these species are safe to consume. The use of multicellular algae (macroalgae) as food is quite common around the world with some of the most common types being seaweed, kelp, and sea lettuce. However, microalgae, or unicellular algae, is less widely known even though it boasts a variety of nutrients that can benefit your health. Here are just a few of those nutrients:
- Essential Fatty Acids. Many types of microalgae are great sources of essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids are known to be beneficial for your whole body, but especially for the health of your skin, hair, and brain.
- Amino Acids. Your body needs amino acids. They contribute to a large variety of functions such as nutrient absorption, muscle creation, and tissue repair. Depending on the type, microalgae is known to contain many, if not all, of the amino acids your body needs to perform all those important functions.
- Vitamins and Minerals. Vitamins and minerals assist with nearly every body function, which makes them extremely important to your overall health. Many types of microalgae contain a variety of vitamins, including important B complex vitamins, and minerals like zinc and magnesium.
- Antioxidants. These powerful organisms contain a number of antioxidant compounds that work to improve your health by cleaning up free radicals throughout your body.
- Phytopigments. Microalgae is well known for its color, which is usually green but can also be blue. Phytopigments are the compounds responsible for these colors, and they have a number of health benefits. They have antioxidant properties and are known to support your body’s immune system, healthy aging, and energy production.
Types of Microalgae
Of the various types of microalgae that exist on Earth, there are three types that stand out above the rest due to their nutritive value: Chlorella (Chlorella Vulgaris), Spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis), and AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae). Let’s take a closer look at why they stand out.
Chlorella has been in existence for over 2 billion years. It was once floated as a means to beat world hunger because it is so nutritionally dense and multiplies rapidly. There are up to 20 different species of chlorella in existence, and they all grow in bodies of freshwater where few other things grow.
As a food, chlorella boasts an impressive nutritional profile. It contains roughly 55% protein by weight, as well as all eight essential amino acids, phytopigments like chlorophyll and beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, most of the B vitamins, and trace minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. With this combination of nutrients, chlorella can help support your immune system, liver function, and gut health.
Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae mostly found in large, tropical bodies of water, particularly in Asia, Africa, and South and Central America. It is well known for its spiral, thready appearance.
From a nutrition standpoint, spirulina is just as impressive as chlorella. It contains about 60% protein and 7% healthy fats. It also contains vitamins A, C, D, and E, many B vitamins, and a variety of trace minerals. Additionally, spirulina has phytopigments like beta-carotene and phycocyanin. Studies have shown that spirulina can support both cardiovascular and brain health as well as help your body maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)
AFA is a rare strain of blue-green microalgae. Unlike chlorella and spirulina, which can be found all over the world, AFA only grows abundantly in one lake in the world—Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon. Another thing that sets AFA apart from the others is the fact that it is 100% wild-crafted, which means it grows naturally in the wild without human intervention, is harvested using non-invasive techniques, and is processed naturally.
When compared to other types of microalgae, the nutritional profile of AFA far outshines the others. It is truly a near-perfect superfood.
AFA is about 60% protein by weight and has all 20 standard amino acids. It also has over 60 trace minerals, 13 necessary vitamins (including many B vitamins), antioxidants, and essential fatty acids (including omega-3 and omega-6). Additionally, AFA contains the mental energy activator phenylethylamine (PEA) as well as phytopigments like chlorophyll and phycocyanin. With a nutritional profile like that, AFA nourishes your whole body and is particularly great at supporting brain, heart, and digestive health.
Choosing the Best Microalgae
All three of these types of microalgae are widely available in supplement form, which makes adding them to your diet easy and convenient. However, when choosing an algae supplement, you’ll want to be sure to look beyond the algae’s nutritional profile and to the company itself to ensure you are getting a safe product.
Not all sources of microalgae supplements can be trusted. After all, anyone can make a claim that their product is high-quality and safe. But can they prove it? This is where key certifications and registrations come into play.
Certifications like USDA Organic and registrations by NSF International can verify the quality and safety of the product. This is because they aren’t one-time events. To maintain these stamps of approval, companies must go through a yearly audit process where every stage of the production process is inspected. In short, these types of accreditations prove that the company is dedicated to your safety and the quality of its products.
Support Your Body with AFA
When it comes to nourishing and supporting your body, there is no better superfood to add to your diet than AFA. From being wild-crafted to its near-perfect nutritional profile, AFA is the perfect addition to your daily routine. Plus, getting your daily dose of this amazing superfood is as easy as taking a few capsules or adding a scoop of powder to your smoothie.
The best part? You can put it to the test risk-free with our 60-day money-back guarantee. But you can trust us when we say you won’t be disappointed.