As the years go by, the global community is becoming more and more aware of the importance of environmental conservation and the way our daily actions can impact the world around us. With this growing understanding, many of us are starting to include sustainable living habits in our daily lives in an attempt to help keep this planet as healthy as possible.
We know that if we combine our efforts, we can make progress toward keeping our forests green, water clear, and air clean so that we have a healthy environment to live in for many generations to come. And in turn, our efforts to protect this planet will circle back around and positively impact our health.
Health Benefits of Sustainable Living
How exactly can sustainable living practices provide positive benefits for your overall health? Here are just a few ways.
Improves Air Quality
Technology and industrialization have greatly changed the quality of the air we breathe. Factories and other industrial establishments release toxic fumes into the environment which results in lowering the air quality in the surrounding area. Additionally, while we all enjoy the convenience that modern cars, trains, buses, and airplanes offer us, we also know that they contribute to air pollution. In fact, it’s estimated that over 25% of the carbon dioxide in our air is produced by modern forms of transportation.
When scientists first became concerned that air pollution may be impacting our health, they originally focused on the potential it has to impact our respiratory systems. However, since then, it has been discovered that breathing polluted air exposes our cells to oxidative stress, which can cause harm to nearly every part of our bodies, including our lungs, heart, and brain. While it’s a common belief that air pollution primarily impacts people who are already struggling with various health conditions, the fact of the matter is that the health of 9 out of every 10 people who live in urban areas is impacted by air pollution. Needless to say, taking steps to clean up our air and reduce our carbon footprints is a must for the health of everyone.
Improves Water Quality
Water is life. Our bodies rely on water in order to function, which makes it an essential ingredient to living a long, healthy life. However, things like poor water management, water contamination from unsustainable practices, and environmental stress brought on by climate change have resulted in dramatic changes to the planet’s water supply. As our waters become more polluted, they not only become unsafe for us to drink, but their reduced quality can also negatively impact the environment and surrounding wildlife.
While scientists have found that the water quality in the United States has improved over the last 50 years, the Environmental Protection Agency still estimates that there are tens of thousands of bodies of water nationwide that don’t meet their water quality standards. When our communities are exposed to low-quality water, particularly if it is used as drinking water, there is always a concern about being exposed to contaminants that can be detrimental to our health. Adopting sustainable practices like reducing the use of fertilizers, forgoing pesticides, purchasing products that are certified organic, and properly disposing of chemical waste can help protect and improve the quality of our water over time.
Improves Food Quality
In addition to air and water pollution, common unsustainable practices used in our day-to-day lives can also impact the quality of our soil, which in turn impacts the quality of the food we eat. Researchers have found that the use of pesticides and the degradation of soil have resulted in a decline in the nutrient content of our crops. As a result, even when we are eating a healthy diet full of whole foods, our bodies may not be getting all of the nutrients they need in order to function properly. By taking small steps to care for our planet, we can help combat the damage being done to our soil and start growing healthier, more nutritious crops that will properly nourish our bodies.
Promotes Mental Health
Last, but certainly not least, taking care of our environment by adopting sustainable living practices can also support our mental health, which is just as important as our physical health. Nearly every part of our environment has the potential to impact our mental health. For instance, the simple act of being in a natural environment, such as a park or wilderness area, can help reduce stress and elevate your mood.
However, other parts of our environment, such as the air we breathe, can also affect our mental health. This is especially true if that air is polluted. Researchers have found that some particulates found in polluted air can reach our brains and potentially cause damage. In some cases, this damage may result in increased feelings of stress, which we know can wreak havoc on our mental well-being. Because of this, many scientists believe that reducing air pollution will help improve mental health outcomes in the long run.
Top Sustainable Living Tips
Needless to say, doing what we can to take care of this planet is an essential part of keeping ourselves as healthy as possible. But the question is, what can we do to live more sustainably? Here are some of our favorite tips.
Reduce Energy Consumption
There is so much you can do in your space to conserve energy. A good place to start is to turn off the lights when you leave the room and unplug appliances when they aren’t in use. Additionally, reducing the use of air conditioners, furnaces, washers, driers, and other energy-using appliances and using energy-efficient lightbulbs around your house can also help. Remember, a little goes a long way.
Choose Environmentally Friendly Transportation
Modern forms of transportation may be a major contributor to air pollution today, but it’s also an area of our lives where we have the ability to make small choices that will make a big difference. For example, you can choose to drive your own vehicle less and use public transportation whenever possible. Additionally, you may try walking or cycling to nearby destinations as a way to reduce your carbon footprint and work a little extra movement into your day.
Switch To Eco-Friendly Products
There are often eco-friendly alternatives to the traditional products we are accustomed to. Whenever possible, choose organic, sustainably produced products. For example, use reusable shopping bags when you go to the grocery store, drink from a reusable water bottle instead of a single-use plastic one, and choose food products that are organically grown or packaged using eco-friendly, recyclable material.
Grow Your Food and Cook Your Meals
When you grow your own produce, you not only save money but also create a green space in or around your home where you can tend to your own food and ensure that it is grown using eco-friendly practices. And the best way to use that home-grown food is to use it in home-cooked meals. This not only allows you to use what you grow, but it also helps deter you from buying pre-packaged items or ordering takeout, which can both contribute to pollution by creating plastic waste and burning fossil fuels.
This is a tried and tested sustainable living tip. It is important to be a part of a recycling program in your neighborhood or workplace. In the current world, we are constantly upgrading our phones, laptops, computers, and appliances, so it’s important to properly recycle the ones we are getting rid of, which is where local recycling programs come in handy. In addition, make it a habit to recycle plastics, paper, and cardboard that are used around your home, and if you have a garden, consider composting your organic food waste and turning it into a natural fertilizer that can be used to nourish your plants.
Support Your Health by Living Sustainably
It’s time to take action toward a sustainable lifestyle that benefits both your health and the planet. Small changes add up quickly, so join us in committing to adopting simple sustainable living practices and inspiring others to do the same. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet and build a healthier future for ourselves and future generations.