While often associated with joy and celebrations, it’s no secret that the holiday season can also be a time of stress and overwhelm. With the demands of holiday preparations, social obligations, and the pressure to create the “perfect celebration,” it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters—our inner peace and well-being. This year, instead of getting caught up in the holiday chaos, consider taking steps to give yourself the gift of calm. How? Let’s explore some options together.
1. Reconsider Your To-Do Lists
Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, you don’t have to do “all of the things” this holiday season. You get to choose what seasonal activities are the most important to you and which ones you would rather skip this year. You don’t have to have a picture-perfect house that has beautiful decorations in every room, a tree that’s overflowing with gifts, or a calendar that is full of holiday parties to attend. That is unless you truly want those things.
You get to choose what matters to you and your family and what doesn’t this year. So spend some time looking over your to-do list so you can identify which items are “want to’s” and which ones you can let go of this year. That way, you can focus on the activities that matter to you and let go of the excess stress and overwhelm that comes with trying to keep up with all the things you feel you should do during the holiday season. You will be amazed at how much of an impact the simple act of paring down your to-do list in this way can have on your stress levels over the next few weeks.
2. Plan Out the Next Few Weeks
Once you have a better idea of what you truly have to and want to do this holiday season, it’s time to work out a plan that will help you make sure you get everything done. Sit down with your to-do list and a calendar and see where you can fit your to-do items and activities into your schedule. Start by writing in the commitments you and your family have decided to make this year, such as attending holiday parties or school events for your kids, along with any additional tasks or responsibilities that come with those commitments. Then, find time for the things you want to do, such as existing traditions or new things you want to try this year. Last, but certainly not least, find blocks of time that you can dedicate to resting and resetting.
If your calendar looks like it’s bursting at the seams, then step back and reconsider your to-do list again. Are there a few more things you can let go of? Are there tasks you can ask for help with? Remember, you don’t have to do everything, it’s okay to change your mind, and it’s always okay to prioritize your own health and well-being.
3. Step Away From Social Media
While social media can be a great tool for staying connected, it can also be a source of comparison, stress, and distraction, especially during this time of the year. This holiday season, consider giving yourself the gift of calm by stepping away from the constant noise of social media for a while. Instead of spending time scrolling through the updates on your favorite platforms, focus your attention on fostering genuine connections through meaningful conversations with those physically around you. That way, you have less digital noise to worry about and can fully embrace and savor the joy of your holiday festivities.
4. Stick to Your Healthy Habits
Amidst the holiday activities and indulgences, it’s essential to make sure you are prioritizing your own health and well-being by sticking as closely as possible to your existing healthy habits. Continuing to exercise regularly, dedicate time to self-care practices like meditation or mindfulness practices, and nourish your body with plenty of whole foods and superfood supplements.
With that being said, the busy schedules that come with the holiday season can make it challenging to stick to your current habits and routines, so don’t expect yourself to get it perfect all the time. Give yourself grace when you slip up, and rest assured that any effort you put into taking care of yourself will pay huge dividends in the long run, even if you aren’t sticking to your routines perfectly.
By sticking to your healthy habits as closely as possible, and embracing a mindset of kindness and compassion along the way, you will be giving yourself the gift of health, allowing you to look and feel your best so you can fully enjoy all of the holiday festivities.
Give Yourself the Gift of Calm This Year
This year, don’t let the busy schedules and extra stress that come with the holiday season overwhelm you. Instead, join us in living the #NewEarthLife by actively taking steps to give yourself the gift of calm, intentional celebrations; that way, you can partake in the activities that truly matter to you and maximize the enjoyment you get out of the season.