Live Life To The Fullest
The New Earth Blog
The New Earth Blog

Eating with the Season—Is It Really Important?
We are privileged to live in a day and age where a majority of fruits and vegetables are available throughout the year. You can have pumpkin pie in January, mangoes...

Love Is In The Air
There is something magical about Valentine’s season whether you are in a relationship or you are single and proud. Red seems brighter, rom-coms are more captivating and your feelings for...

Keeping New Year's Resolutions Takes Guts - Science Can Help!
We all do it. The New Year rolls around and, with one swift click of the second-hand, people all over the country begin to think about making New Year's Resolutions...

Stepping into the Ring: Juice vs Smoothie
The great debate: juice vs. smoothie. Many people are very passionate about this debate, saying that one is entirely better than the other for everyone. But, when you are living...

The Key to Keeping Your 2020 Resolution
As the 2019 holiday season winds down, we begin thinking about the New Year and all that is in store for us. Naturally, as we close out one year and...

Sticky Habits—What To Embrace And What To Avoid
We all have habits that in one way or another define us. Maybe it is your obsession with getting the sink clean after doing the dishes or your daily 30-minute...

How To Make a Holiday Dip with a Kick
All chips, no dip The holiday season really is the most wonderful time of the year. We are surrounded by friends and family, we get to reminisce on what we...

Eat to Enjoy, Not Regret
It’s the holiday season! Whether you’re a fan of winter or summer, most can agree that this time of year is filled with joy and togetherness. The home is lively...